- 211 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline and website that connects people to the essential health and human services they need, 24/7
- You can find information about supplemental food/nutrition programs, shelter and housing options, utilities assistance, emergency information and disaster relief, employment and education opportunities, services for veterans, health care/vaccination/epidemic information, addiction prevention and rehabilitation programs, reentry for ex-offenders, support groups, and a safe/confidential path out of physical and/or emotional domestic abuse
- To access 211, dial 2-1-1 from Mississippi, dial (866) 472-8265 from anywhere in the country, or visit uwca.mycommunitypt.com
Find Help
- Find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic
- Just visit findhelp.org and enter your zip code to be connected with resources near you, sorted by category.
Rise, Inc. Student Navigator Network
- An online portal for specifically college students affected by COVID-19 to seek help. When you apply, a student case manager will reach out to you to help you find emergency financial aid, apply for public benefits, and connect with local resources.
- RISE may be able to help you find resources to assist you with the following: food, technology devices (such as laptops), unemployment Insurance, wifi, rental/housing assistance, healthcare, transportation, moving, mental health, utility assistance, federal grants/loans, work study assistance, campus financial aid, and emergency financial support
- Visit risefree.org/covid-19-help to apply.
Oxford-University Transit
UM students and employees ride for free on the OUT buses. Click here for an overview of routes.